LOCATION – Harare, Zimbabwe
DATES – 11-15 August 2025

past conferences
The first Pan-African Conference (PABCM) was held in Johannesburg in November 2004, when some 100 representatives of 14 African countries and 4 western countries were present. It is fully reported in Pressing on towards the goal: Pan-African Brethren Conference on Missions, November 2004.
The second Pan-African Conference (PABCM) was held on 9 – 14 August 2009 at Kabwe Christian Centre, Zambia, under the title of ‘Toward a Life of Integrity’. George Verwer is pictured below addressing the conference during the week. Kelvin Semwata, a member of the organising group, chaired the conference. In his closing remarks he expressed his view that the PABCM in Kabwe would become a milestone and a benchmark in the history of the Brethren Assemblies in Africa.
The third Pan-African Conferrence (PABCM) was held in Nairobi, Kenya, on 12 – 16 August 2013. The Theme of the conference was “The Local Church as Agent for Change in our Community – Matthew 5:16.” Conference sessions included:
- The Local Church in Missions
- The Local Church in Training & Discipleship
- Leadership in the Local Church viz-a-vis Missions
- The Local Church – Missions in Social Challenges & Action.
The fourth Pan-African Conference (PABCM) took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 9-14 October 2017. There were 170 participants from 22 countries. The venue was the Gudina Tumsa Conference and Training Centre of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church. The opening Key Note Speech was given by Colin Phelps of OM Africa (South Africa). The theme of the conference was “Towards a Biblical Stewardship Mindset – Rom. 12: 1, 2.”
The main speakers were: Dr Girma Bekele (Ethiopia/Canada) – Stewardship: Politics & Economics, Isaac Aliwo Ogohi (Nigeria) – Stewardship: Managing Resources, Dr Felix Muchimba (Zambia) – Stewardship: God & Culture, and Geshom Chioni (Zambia) – Stewardship: The Great Commission.
The fifth Pan-African Conference (PABCM) took place in Kigali, Rwanda 22-28 August, 2022. The theme of the conference was “The Word of God: The Lens Through Which We See the World”, II Kings 22:11. The main speaker was Dr Lazarus Phiri (Zambia).

2022: The fifth Pan-African Conference (PABCM) will take place in Kigali, Rwanda 22-28 August, 2022. The theme of the conference is “The Word of God: The Lens Through Which We See the World”, II Kings 22:11. The main speaker is Dr Lazarus Phiri (Zambia).